School Social Work Corner

Katina Watts, MSW
-School Social Worker
Email: [email protected]
Virtual Social Work Services
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Serving Schools:
Region 3: Rock Chapel Elementary and Stephenson Middle
Region 4: Stone Mountain Elementary and Stone Mill
Food Resources:
üDeKalb County School System: Please check the school district's website for a listing of food sites
üWebsites/Apps: (download app and zip code in)
üContact your SSW if you need emergency food assistance
Police Services:
The DeKalb County School Resource Office is closed.
üPlease contact the DeKalb Police Department for non-emergencies at 678-406-7929
üAll emergencies call 911
Mental Health Services:
üDeKalb Community Service Board (CSB)- 404-892-4646- is open and providing
tele- mental heath services
üChris 180- 404-486-9034 is open and providing tele-mental health services
404-378-2300 –is open and providing tele-mental health services
üGeorgia Crisis and Access Line -1-800-715-422 is open and providing tele-mental
health services
Utilities Assistance:
Please contact your utility provider directly.
üElectric (GA Power)- will provide a 30-day waiver on bills
üWater (DeKalb County Water)- No shut off
üGas Companies- Have not made a decision as to
what they will provide