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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/22/25

Stone Mountain Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Parent Resources

Moving the Mountain with Parental Engagement

Hi SMES Families!

The role of the parent liaison is to ensure that he or she works as a hub to bridge the gap between the home-school connection. We want to work with you to ensure that we operate as partners in the educational process. While we are identifying the best and the brightest individual to serve in this capacity, if you have any questions, please email our parent liaison, Ms. Klaudie Putalova [email protected]. We have an open-door policy and she will be glad to assist with any questions that parents may have. 

Communication Tools:
Calling Posts - automated voice recording will call with pre-recorded message
School Marquee - located in front of school building
Flyers and Posters - posted around building/sent home with children 
School Calendar
School Website
Infinite Campus
Class Dojo

Tools You Can Use:
Understanding Copyright
Avoiding Plagiarism

Title IX Coordinator: 
Natasha Hendricks

FY23 SMES School Compact

Greetings Pirate Parents!

Please read the most recent Title I School Compact and Parent Family Engagement Policy for our school. 

We greatly appreciate your partnership!

FY25 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Information for Stakeholders

All parents, students, community members, and faculty and staff are invited to provide input into our school's Title I parent and family engagement program! 

FY25 Title I Parent Family Engagement Survey

FY25 Title I PFE Stakeholders Input Feedback

Pirate Press Newsletter

School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Parents please read and adhere to the Uniform Policy

The Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL)

The Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) has implemented a program to provide financial assistance through scholarships to working families with children ages 5-12 (kindergarten – 7th grade).  SOLVE (Supporting Onsite Learning for Virtual Education) program works with current DCSD families. The SOLVE scholarships are awarded for three months and can be extended if a school district continues to offer a virtual-only learning model. This program can support families currently struggling to balance work, school, and family commitments. 


SOLVE is administered by the CAPS program, but the income requirements are a little different, so families MIGHT qualify for a SOLVE scholarship even if they do not qualify for a CAPS scholarship. Some of your staff may also qualify. 


Families apply for SOLVE scholarships using Georgia Gateway choose their child care provider from all CAPS eligible providers at the time they apply. Families approved for a SOLVE scholarship receive an email providing basic scholarship information as soon as they are approved. SOLVE scholarships are viewable for providers in the CAPS billing portal two days after approval. The scholarships are billed in the same manner as CAPS scholarships in the CAPS billing portal. SOLVE payments are included in a child care provider’s typical CAPS payment.  

Below are links to documents that provide more information about SOLVE: 


1.   A letter to families from Commissioner Amy Jacobs that provides more detail about the program 31.pdf 

2.   An informational flyer that you can email or print for families 

3.   A family eligibility document that can be used to help families determine if they may qualify 


On the SOLVE page, is a FAQ document that explains more and a current list of approved school districts. DECAL will update this information regularly, so refer families to this location often. 

Parent Right to Know 2023 -2024


Please email a copy of your identification, your scholar's name, and date of birth to our registrar Natola D. Hawthorne at  [email protected].. Your request will be completed within 48 hours once received.